The War Archives - Pat Ware / Пэт Варе - Allied tanks, trucks, weapons of World War I / Танки, грузовики, оружие союзников в первой мировой войне

Количество отзывов: 0
Количество дисков: 1 DVD
Вес: 100 г
Тип упаковки: Пластиковый бокс

The War Archives - Pat Ware / Пэт Варе - Allied tanks, trucks, weapons of World War I / Танки, грузовики, оружие союзников в первой мировой войне Allied tanks, trucks, weapons of World War I / Танки, грузовики, оружие союзников в первой мировой войне

Год издания: 2013
Автор: Pat Ware / Пэт Варе
Издательство: Kelsey Publishing
ISBN: 978-1-909786-23-3
Серия: The War Archives
Язык: Английский
Формат: PDF
Качество: Издательский макет или текст (eBook)
Интерактивное оглавление: Нет
Количество страниц: 100
Описание: Книга-фотоальбом посвященная технике первой мировой войны - танкам, артиллерии, автомобилям и другим системам вооружений.
Отличные фотографии крупным планом показывают технику на полях сражений 100 лет назад.Тяжелые полевые гаубицы, железнодорожные орудия-монстры калибром более 300 мм, станковые и ручные пулеметы Льюиса, Браунинга, Максима, Шварцлозе и прочие. Появившиеся на полях сражений первые танки - английские, французские и немецкие. Приспособленные для военных нужд автомобили, в том числе бронированные. Мотоцикл Clyno/Vickers с пулеметом Максима в люльке и прочее.

Примеры страниц


The static ‘siege war’ nature of combat on the Western Front meant that artillery was enormously
important, and it was believed that the sheer volume of fi re could help turn the tide of battle. As
the war dragged on the guns grew ever larger.
The modern machine gun was developed at the end of the 19th century, becoming one of the
defining weapons of World War 1. By 1914, the machine gun was ubiquitous and, with an average
rate of fi re of 400-600 rounds a minute, one machine-gun crew could have the same effect as more
than 80 riflemen.
Whilst the typical bolt-action rifle of the period was generally an accurate and reliable weapon,
even in the hands of a well-trained soldier, it was no match for the machine gun.
Although considered to be virtually obsolete at the start of the conflict, the upward trajectory of
the mortar made it ideally suited to trench warfare and, by the end of the war, both sides were
deploying heavy mortars fi ring projectiles weighing 150 lb (68kg) or more.
  • 38 TANKS
Tanks made their fi rst appearance on the battlefield in 1916 but, the lack of a proper
understanding of how these new weapons should be used, combined with mechanical
unreliability, meant that their impact was not as great as had been hoped.
Early armoured cars consisted of little more than a truck or heavy motorcar chassis onto which was
mounted a box-shaped body, often of boilerplate, and typically armed with a light machine gun.
By 1914, such vehicles were being produced in Britain, France, Belgium and the USA.
Motor lorries - or trucks - had started to have an impact on the civilian transport industry by the
turn of the century and by 1914 had also become increasingly important in military service. Allwheel
drive was in its infancy, but the use of ‘standardised’ or ‘subsidy’ vehicles was commonplace.
Although bicycle-mounted troops continued to play a role throughout the war, most European
armies had been quick to embrace the motorcycle in the role of courier or despatch rider.
Motorcycle combinations were also used to carry wounded, and as a mount for machine guns.
First seen during the Russo-Japanese War of 1904-05, hand grenades proved themselves
invaluable in the static trench warfare of the Western Front, with literally millions produced by the
opposing nations.
The typical petrol-engined truck of the period produced just 35-40bhp and, in order to haul
the larger guns being developed, it was necessary to employ specialised wheeled and tracked
machines. Steam traction engines were also common in specialised roles.
During the conflict, some 22 million men were wounded, and the steady stream of injured being
evacuated from the front created a logistical nightmare for the medical services. Thousands of
motorised ambulances were constructed; nevertheless, it was also necessary to carry the wounded
in converted taxis, motorcycle combinations and horse-drawn vans.

The War Archives - Pat Ware / Пэт Варе - Allied tanks, trucks, weapons of World War I / Танки, грузовики, оружие союзников в первой мировой войне The War Archives - Pat Ware / Пэт Варе - Allied tanks, trucks, weapons of World War I / Танки, грузовики, оружие союзников в первой мировой войне
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Количество CD 1 шт.
Тип упаковки Пластиковый бокс
Вес товара с упаковкой (г) 100 гр.
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